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Science Fiction?

Here’s a Brand-New Book by a Brand-New Author!

The Classic Sci-Fi Reset!

Them! Again!

THEM!, The Thing, The Blob, old movies like those kicked off today’s science fiction in the 1950s and turned space aliens and monsters into entertainment.

It can be fun to watch the phony scientists, absurd creatures, and hard to believe special effects, but for all of that, there might have been something else about those old movies – they might have been true . . .

Them! Again!

THEM!, The Thing, The Blob, old movies like those kicked off today’s science fiction in the 1950s and turned space aliens and monsters into entertainment.

It can be fun to watch the phony scientists, absurd creatures, and hard to believe special effects, but for all of that, there might have been something else about those old movies – they might have been true . . .

THEM! AGAIN! uncovers monstrous secrets hidden in the desert of White Sands – secrets connecting familiar stories – secrets that were once buried and have now come back to life . . .

Available now at Amazon!


Peek inside THEM! AGAIN!’s introductory chapter but be forewarned – it’s a little rough. There is violence and misfortune heaped upon an undeserving soul. I felt bad but there was a lot of story to tell and I had to get on with it.

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THEM! AGAIN! contains

No vulgarities, no foul language, and no 'adult' situations.

It's a big book, more than 200k+ words, and it's part of a series . . .